Thursday, 4 April 2013

'The Norm'

Browsing through some news sites, I feel a deep saddening because I don't see anything warm or positive.  I see death, destruction and disease.  I will provide for you readers a few examples from FoxNews, ABC News and USA Today ...

"New York professor under fire over 'hypothetical' questions about rape"
This story explains that a professor at the University of Rochester thought that the rape of women who are unconscious should be considered to be legal.

"New York man says he was fired for having HIV"
This guy was fired from his workplace (a car dealership) because he told his employer he was HIV-positive.

"Teenage girl lied about gage rape"
A 17-year-old girl bravely approached the police and confess that she had been dragged into a car by five men and sexually abused, only for the police to say she was making it all up.  Legitimately.

"Officer and suspect dead at police headquarters in Mississippi"
A suspected criminal was being interviewed when suddenly everyone heard gunshots and the officer and suspect were dead.

These are all legitimate and a little bit scary.  In the world today, these stories are considered to be 'the norm'.  No one would bat an eyelid at them.  It was things like this that made me doubt my journalism career.

Being the person that I am comes with some pros and cons: I care a lot about a lot of topics and people. This is both a pro AND a con, because I won't be able to report on stories like rape, death or discrimination.  This provides a challenge in a way to find a source of journalism that I can further my career in.  Radio would be difficult because my speech isn't good when it comes to scripts or organised speechs (which eliminates the possibility of being an actress).  News papers have hard-hitting news that I wouldn't be able to handle.  Television is DEFINITELY out of the question, as I am camera shy.  This leaves ... magazines.

Most magazines like Woman's Day, TV Week or Famous would be excellent for me because they provide what most people would consider to be fluff pieces, but I would see it as an opportunity to meet famous people and tell the real stories behind their famousness.  That's where I see myself in five years.  Hopefully that will be my 'norm'.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristy.

    Great piece. Big circulation magazines have a lot of readers/audience for your thoughtful articles.
