Sunday, 26 May 2013

Stop Acting Like Garfield On A Monday

Raise your hand if you like Mondays. Good. Now take that hand and slap yourself in the face for lying. No one enjoys Mondays. It's the beginning of the work week, it signifies the end of the weekend ... this is us on a Monday:

Face the facts. If you don't like Mondays, you suffer from Mondayitis. If you actually like Mondays, you are one of the annoying people who we Mondayitis victims hate. We may not hate you on any other day; just think of it as the Mondayitis talking.

However, there is hope. For those who don't like Mondays, continue reading. If you do like Mondays ... well, continue reading anyway. I will walk you through some steps of how to overcome Mondayitis.

Step 1: Don't become a 'quit-stay'.
A 'quit-stay' is a person who only shows up to their job for the paycheck. They don't enjoy what they do, but they won't quit because it's a source of income. Being a 'quit-stay' can force a negative attitude to latch on, showing up every Monday. If every Monday you feel like you don't want to go to work because you don't enjoy it anymore, try and find something interesting about what you do. This could stop you from becoming a 'quit-stay', and could eventually cure your Mondayitis.

Step 2: Don't prolong the small things.
There's people out there who spend 20 minutes to put their shoes on, half an hour to find their keys, and take the long route to their work place - of course, after stopping for breakfast. This is bad. If you start off the day slowly, the day will go slowly. Get stuck into your day quickly and efficiently and you'll surprise yourself.  Your attitude will dramatically change and you'll feel a lot better towards Mondays.

Step 3: Find the root of the problem.
What is it you don't like about Mondays? Is it your workmates? Is it your job? Is it the fact you're waking up early or late? Do you have specific things you do on a Monday that you don't do any other day? Find what's causing your hatred towards Monday and sort out why you don't like doing it. If it's people, learn to appreciate them. If it's a specific thing you have to do, try to think of something funny while doing it. Therefore, the laughter will be associated with the job and it will be funny every time you do it.

Step 4: Try something fun.
If you schedule all your enjoyable things at the end of the week, the beginning of the week will look pretty dull. If you yearn for Friday to come quickly, you won't enjoy any of the days on the way. Mondayitis is a mental game. If you think, "I can't wait for Monday!" then Monday will seem more enjoyable.

Step 5: Eat a good breakfast.
Try to avoid sugary and high energy foods and drinks because that will give you a kick for a few hours. Living off sugary foods and drinks if not only unhealthy, it can also cause damage over time. Although it may feel like you're curing Mondayitis with a can of V, but it's only temporary relief. Have some food with protein and vitamins in it.

Hopefully this has helped my fellow sufferers of Mondayitis!

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