Thursday, 28 February 2013

The Turnaround

Macs. Confusing little inventions aren't they? James Cook doesn't seem to think so, seeing as the only computers they supply are Macs. It's difficult living in an Apple world when you are the complete opposite of an Apple girl. It was significantly difficult attempting to decipher even the simplest tools this afternoon in my very first Journalism tutorial, as I had very little knowledge about the strange beasts of the technology world. The mice were strange and had no separate buttons, the icons and symbols differed from those of a Windows computer but were also similar to each other ... even logging out of my account after the class took both time and skill. It definitely retracted from the enjoyment of the relatively entertaining class.
However, once you master the basics, the rest just starts to flow. The mouse is indeed strange and difficult to work at times, but it has the same simple function that it shares with even a Windows mouse. The icons became second nature to me by the end of the lesson. Now that I know how to log out, I'm not likely to forget how to for the next time (don't quote me on that though). I could very well be on the way to becoming an Apple girl. Maybe.

There were many complaints voiced about having to create new Gmail, Twitter and Blogger accounts as opposed to the personal accounts already created, but they were quickly silenced when the creativity began to flow. Being able to create new account names may seem like a trivial task for some, but to those with artistic ability and/or licence can find even the smallest sliver of entertainment in such a mundane job. So many options appear; should I have something creative and entertaining, or go with something deep and meaningful? What should I call my blog? Should I display all of my information, or just some? Suddenly, the excitement sneaks up on you and you find yourself actually having fun creating new accounts. What started off as a duty you had to perform became something that we didn't want to stop.

Although the assessment that we've been given (updating a blog at least twice a week) seems simplistic enough, I'm most going to make the same mistake as I did in Grade 12 and underestimate the assessment. I'm going to have to put it the effort (a strange concept to me) to make slightly above average blogs twice a week. Hopefully I'll find as much entertainment in this task as I did in the creation of my new accounts.

Insert the amazingly simple but still effective to this day quote, "Don't judge a book by its cover".

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